Tuesday, November 19, 2002

[smirks up into lemon tree, hovering at a slight distance] Heh - as long as you all keep the promises I won't hurt you. (Much...) Just remember it's Lutra's pond, and I want it perfect for her when she gets back. The bower is off-limits (and anyone bothering the Okapi will answer to me.)

But I may not be around for a little while: Ryonan's eggs look and sound as though they're about to hatch, and I should be there to greet the wee beasties, and make sure there are no problems - it is her first clutch, after all.

[inclines head, frowning thoughtfully] As for the offer of a "distraction"... Hn. Thanks, but I think I can manage ten days without. Besides, I have plans for when tenshi returns, and the more... uh, restrained I am now the more fun we can have then... [smirk]

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