Friday, August 29, 2003

I had a very odd dream last night.
I was visiting a small country town/festival/convention with a group of nebulous people, one of them an ex of mine. An ex of his was there as well and she was being hassled by some guy. My ex's sargeant (he'd suddenly become military) quietly suggested that if he wanted to go and 'fix the problem' he'd say he hadn't seen him there that weekend, effectively cover for him. My ex does deal with the guy but as I'm standing outside the room it happens in and I can't hear anything I'm left to imagine what's going on... I know my ex and what he's capable of and it makes me uneasy.
After the deed is done my ex has to stay low for a while, which he does in my hotel room, in my bed, snuggling into me like a lost and frightened child, something he used to do when I knew him before, when life seems to be kicking him in the guts.
I woke up feeling as if I was reliving an unpleasant part of my past...

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