Sunday, August 31, 2003

It's funny, isn't it, that a joke that would normally have you rolling around laughing just isn't funny when it's told by someone you don't like...

Damn I love Trigun's end theme. I love the music but I especially love the lyrics (the english version, naturally) it sounds like such a simple philosophy.

My next AC will be posted soon, as will the next bit of Ms Jones, and next week will be spent working on... <dramatic reverb> The Novel.
Good gods I think we've only got 3 weeks of term left! Ack!
Hn, I'll be going away for a weekend during that I think, and I'd like to take the cubs up to my mum's for a couple of days... better start organising the finances then.

(nicked from Okapi's blog:)

Runes.. very interesting...


Berkana - Growth, abundance, fertility, Mother Earth, protection, the zenith of an idea or situation.


Lagaz - Intuition, imagination, success in studies, creativity, vitality and passion (especially for women).


Mannaz - Cooperation, teamwork, collaboration, help and aid from others, beginning new projects, especially with others.

Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster

Hee, the cubs and I are going to see 'Finding Nemo' tomorrow... we're very excited! <g>:

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