It's interesting, isn't it, how your attention can be drawn back to something you've more or less forgotten about when someone else expresses an interest in it. Joules and I have been given some fabulous feedback from Romyra and in it she mentions she'd really like to read the rest of 'Cathouse Eliis'. Well, gosh darn if the little blonde poppet didn't suddenly claw his way to my forebrain to demand some attention. He's very pretty when he pouts... : ) So, I'll see about getting that done, or at least started, this weekend; maybe have it finished by end of next week.
Hee, I found out today our local ABC shop is getting another shipment of 'I, Claudius' on DVD. This is one of my all time favourite drama series, not surprising given my interest in Imperial Rome. The shop's going to let me know when they come in and I might prevail upon the cubs' father to get them for me for xmas. <happybounce>
Poopies, it looks like the video/dvd of Matthew Bourne's 'Swan Lake' isn't on anybody's list any more. <pout> Have to try the net, I spose... How much do I really want to see it?
Tch, KittenKong brough another mouse in last night and it took refuge in one of the cub's school shoes, which was good cos that meant I didn't have to catch it per se to put it outside...
I'm finding myself squealing that I need more time so I can get more done... Sound familiar? <g> But, I can't use haddock as a euphemism, that's Joules'. She suggested sausages...
What do you think?
Heh, and Talon, it was me with the wrong end of the pineapple, it is two challenges...
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