Saturday, March 19, 2005

I was very restrained yesterday. I didn't say 'Screw the budget, I want the next DVD's of all the series I'm collecting now!' I didn't even impulse buy any new material for my latest idea, but now, after watching volume 4 of Last Exile, I want the rest of it! <pout>
No, I'll stick to the budget - if any of the DVD's go off the shelves I'll be able to find them somewhere else if not order them in.

Right. Food.
Let's just ignore everything I ate yesterday (there was a reason I had to crash out for an extended nap yesterday afternoon) except for the big plate of roast veggies (organic potatoes, pumpkin and swede) served with home-made onion gravy I had for dinner, followed by some quite nice home-made trifle.
There's no guarantee I'll eat better today - just not in the right mood - but at least with all the sugary stuff gone if I want any I'll have to get off my arse and walk to the shops to get it.

Onna, how 'bout just a sample day of what you regularly eat? Nosy parkers (ie: me) want to know... : )

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