A little while ago
Moosifer Jones mentioned that
The Ferret had compiled a list of
'10 worst lj habits'. I eventually decided (today) to post it here, with
my responses, but first I had to find the blinking thing. I was
positive MJ had the comprehensive list on her blog, but there were only some lj links to follow in the post. So anyway, I found it, sort of. What I can't find on the list is the
worst habit that I was most guilty of. I
know I read it somewhere! Anyway, here's the list - compiled from various sources...
Auditions ("I'm going to drop you as a friend unless you comment right now.")Blackmail, pure and simple. '
Show me that you love me!' Bah! Not guilty.
[Joules sticks a fin in] I loathe that one. Delete the offending blog/Lj/whatever from my bookmarks immediately.Bad grammar/spelling (either accidentally or via l33tsp3@k)Sort of guilty. As part of my 'style' of writing (on my blog) as I speak I use phonetic spellings of some words - ie:
cos, probly - or rarer, misspellings that are private jokes - ie:
crinimals. But other than that I make an effort to write properly. Everyone should. So there.
I can cope with it if it's someone for whom English is not the native language (in fact, I'm more likely to give 'em mental Brownie points for trying, bearing in mind how bloody incoherent my blog would be if I tried to write it in French...) And, as you say, personal stylistic idiosyncrasies are fine. The rest - no excuse. That's what spellchecker - and basic education - is for. [grins happily. There, wasn't I restrained?]Constant Paypal/eBay whoring ("If only someone were to make a donation!")Not guilty. Though would I if I had the facility? I dunno. I don't object to the webartists that have donation accounts, for some it's a viable source of income and if I could I probly would donate to the ones I read regularly.
Ken suggested on more than one occasion that I should start charging people to read the AC. I pointed out that 1) it was fanfic and therefore not my copyright, 2) you, Lutra, were writing half of it, and 3) as far as I was concerned it was me experimenting with plot/subplot/story arcs/dialogue/character interaction and therefore I'd feel as though I was ripping readers off if I even suggested it.
This is why I'm unlikely to ever be rich.Cryptic posts ("Oh, my, who knew that would happen?")One line posts that make no sense. These are very annoying and I
won't do it.
[blink] I seem to have managed to avoid these. But the concept sounds intriguing... [big evil grin] Teaser post ("I've got a speshul sikrit that I can't talk about.")As above, only more annoying. Either bloody tell me or not! <grumble>
Oh, and people who vaguely mention something in public that refers to something in their special secret friends only journal that you'd know about, obviously, if you were a real friend. Ye gods, even Kai's schoolfriends don't resort to that!
Eeyoring ("Today I will post the seventieth entry in Why My Life Sucks...")Attention whoring. Psycho-drama. Moaning Minnies/Maxes - never have anything good to say. Tedious. I run out of sympathy very quickly. It's ok to whinge, it is, really, but doing nothing else gets boring.
I have no patience. I was once told I don't suffer fools gladly - my reaction was to glower and state I don't suffer them at all. I really really loathe this. We all have problems - for f$%*s sake stop bloody whinging and DO something about it!!
Long, uncut posts/images. This doesn't happen so much on blogger I've noticed, but if I'm going to have a good, long rant I try to make it interesting. Besides, if someone doesn't like what they're reading they can skip it,
ne? I do.
Hm. I also try to make rants interesting - or short! Sometimes I fail. Well, you can always skip them. I find uncut posts more of a problem in Yahoo daily digests...
Repeated deletions/goodbyes ("Once again, I have deleted my journal because WOE IZ ME.")<sigh> More emotional blackmail. I feel these posters are generally looking for feedback, encouragement to stay online. Don't have the time for this sort of shilly-shallying. If you're pissed off enough to go, then
[bemused] People actually do that? How very silly. Such a waste of time and effort.Quiz overloadNot looking at anybody. <g>.
I'm a grown-up, I can pick and choose the quizzes I want to do, likewise I don't
have to post
every result to my blog, just the entertaining/most relevant ones.
Hear here!Significant other lust all the time ("Guess what my schmoopie did today!")Okay, just possibly guilty of this sometimes when I gush about my cubs, but dammit, they say the
darndest things! : ) Gods help me if I ever get another partner...
Sprogs are different. They're the future, they grow so bloody fast, and the occasional words of wisdom still leave me stunned.
SO, on the other hand... well, I suppose it's OK at the start of the relationship, within reason - after all, these things are very important to us all. But when it goes on and on and on with no other topic of conversation... [shudder]Song lyric posts (especially those not LJ-cut)Rarely do this. More likely to post just the significant bits, with an explanation of why.
Guilty. But I don't do it very often, nor do I usually post the whole lyrics, and it's usually to illustrate something I have to say. So I don't feel too guilty about it!Totalitarianism. ("If you disagree with me in any way, you are a troll.")Eeuuww, no. Far too confrontational.
[blink] Um... I don't see the point. Simply disallow comments and stew in your own little egocentric continuum. Just don't expect anyone to want to have anything to do with you outside it.
Updating once a month or less.I don't think I've left it that long but there's been times when I've not had anything to say.
Doesn't bother me. I'd much rather wait until the individual feels like talking than pressure them to do so when they're too busy/can't get online/have nothing much to say. Just because I can't stop talking doesn't mean I expect everyone else to be the same!The Secret Project. ("I'm working on something, but I don't want to give anything away...") Oh yes. Guilty. But it's not teasing, it's pure Piscean paranoia that
someone will nick my idea. : )
That's just sensible. I'm the same. As long as you don't gloat/brag about it, I don't see the problem: there are serious copyright issues with a lot of what we do.
As long as you find out eventually what it's all about!Interesting, eh?