Friday, June 24, 2005

Half-watching "Andromeda Strain". I keep expecting Charlton Heston to appear, I always associate him with this movie. No idea why cos he's not in it; "The Omega Man" is his contribution to the post-holocaust genre. That, and "Planet of the Apes".
Would "Soylent Green" fall into that category? Or is that more your 'the world is too crowded/polluted to sustain life' genre? Like "Zero Population Growth" or "Silent Running"? (Lutra blatantly displays her knowledge of late 60's - early 70's US sci-fi movies. : ) But we won't mention "West World" cos it still creeps her out...)
For extra points - what was the name of novel Soylent Green came from, and who wrote it? (I can answer the first easily, have to look up the second) And what language was the Planet of the Apes book originally written in? (I can answer that, too... unless my memory is faulty, that is. Been a long time since I read it...)

KoH is showing at the Astor Theatre mid-July, I'm planning on seeing it then. However:
"Ridley Scott, the master of modern epics, floods the screen once again with action, romance and handsome heroes. This time, he offers the tale of a young blacksmith from Jerusalem who fights to protect his people from foreign invasion during the Twelfth Century Crusades..."
Humph. Whoever wrote that review obviously hasn't seen the movie, or even read the press release properly.

... There was a purpose to this post. What was it? Ah...!
Last day of term and we had a special final assembly. Both of the cubs were in plays performed by their grades and displayed a well-developed sense of hamminess. <g> Their father said that had to come from my side of the family. He's probly right.
The school's brass band performed a couple of (mercifully) short pieces, a funereal Jingle Bells and something I didn't recognise at all. But, considering the kids only started learning the instruments at the beginning of this year it wasn't too bad. : )
And the cubs got their half-year reports.
Hm. Definitely room for improvement for both of them. Once again the comments been made that they're both more than capable of the work they just don't put in the effort. The S cub's teacher noted that he only really tries when he knows he's being assessed. <sigh> That's probly my cue to be more encouraging and attentive...

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