Friday, September 12, 2003

He he he... I had beetroot for dinner last night...

YAY!! Joules has finished the 'Demons' mini-series! Awed and amazed... five parts in under a week! <thinks> Though the first part is actually mine. Eh, whatever, it's good! Go read it when it's up or I'll set Lin on you...

The cubs were watching Transformers yesterday and they were rather puzzled. It wasn't an ep like any of the others they'd seen so far, it didn't have any of the ususal elements, no good-guys versus bad-guys as both sides struggle to collect the minin-cons. It was one of those rare eps where one of the sub-plots is addressed. I told the cubs this was a good thing. Not sure if they believe me, but hey, they're only 8.

Hn, there's new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys on the shelves over here. Which is good, I have a soft-spot for the Tidja Nidjas, but it makes me wonder why they've been re-released. Has the cartoon been revamped? That's usually why merchandise from these old shows turns up.
The 6" action figures are very good, though, I'm going to have to get them. : )

The cubs outdid themselves on the bus yesterday. One of them was about to barge onboad but was pulled back by his brother with a hissed: 'Don't get on yet, let the ugly lady on first.'
I growled at him and he apologised with the cutest grin saying he gets 'ugly' and 'old' confused... <head in hands> Fortunately the lady in question wasn't bothered...

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