Friday, October 31, 2003

(nicked from The Zone and the meeces' hole respectively [if not respectfully : ) ...] ) soft toy snowy owl has an elastic wriststrap so it will just about perch on his arm (and what fun that was! Could I get the bloody thing to sit properly? As Kai pointed out, it's bats that hang upside down, not owls!)...

Goodtwin: ...(and you missed the obvious answer - it's an Australian owl...) <eg>...

Hoi!! Those 'land down-under' upside-down jokes are wearing a bit thin, y'know! <ponders> Though, does that mean Australian owls in UK zoos would hang upside-down while the Aus bats in the same zoos would perch on top of the branches?
... my brain hurts...

I don't like Hello Kitty so why have I gone soppy over a kitty plushie? Is it because of her pink dress and fairy-wings? Tch...

Love the neko ears, Talon! >^_^<

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