Saturday, October 04, 2003

Oooh! <big eyes> Lookit the wonderful banner Onna did for me! And the pretty scroll bar colours! <happy glomps all 'round>

The cubs' invisible friends, Jim and Tom, have outstayed their welcome. Fetching invisible drinks and food is one one thing, giving them invisible baths is another...

Heh, I'm sposed to be concentrating on current projects, so what do I do today? Make a start on a future 'l/L chapter and plot out an AC side-story, that's what. <g> Ah, I love it when inspiration strikes. : )

The cubs' father and I took them to one of those 'Family Entertainment Centres' today, the ones where your money magically disappears from your pocket...
It was fun though, both of the cubs had a round of mini-golf, one had a session of laser-tag with his father and we all went on the dodgems. I really enjoyed that, I think there's far more skill involved in driving so you don't get bumped!

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