Saturday, April 17, 2004

<blinks> One of my cubs is giving the other a 'sword massage' (his words). He's hitting his brother - who's lying prone on the kitchen floor - with the flat of a plastic sword...
(Ah, and now he's hit him too hard and there's squealing. Tch. : )

Busy day with the cubs, we visited the Polly Woodside Maritime Museum and the Aquarium. The cubs enjoyed the play area in the museum most of all, (lego and wooden boats and signal flags, oh my) but weren't all that impressed with the centrepiece – the restored barque. I loved the ship though, quite happily indulged myself in a few sea-going fantasies while traipsing all over it. : ) It's another place I'd like to go visit on my own. Heh, the last, and first, time I went to see the Polly Woodside was in High School – been trying to get back there ever since. I secretly enjoyed the excursion – all of my mates said it was boring. <g> Ah, I can't help it, this nautical bent, I spent 5 weeks on a ship at an impressionable stage in my life. Heh, wonder if we'd travelled by 'plane when we immigrated to Australia I'd have a thing for aircraft instead?
<happy sigh> ... and it was lovely seeing the fishies again. The baby Murray Crayfish are an inch long now and exploring their tank; the Growling Tree Frog tadpoles are just beginning to sprout legs; the young Port Jackson sharks are as cute as ever and the resident Pirate recognised the cubs from our last visit a couple of weeks ago. : ) Does all this mean we go to the Aquarium too often, do you think?

There was a report on the news tonight about a (non-fatal) car crash. The paramedic interviewed said 'Both vehicles have been significantly destroyed.'
Tch, 'significantly destroyed'? As opposed to just a little bit destroyed? Honestly, I wish people would think about how they use absolutes before they speak. Here's one of my favourites, also caught on the news: 'This is very unique opportunity.' Wow! Double-plus good or what?

[... <happy squeak/giggle - absently wondering how far sound will carry across the pond on a clear day>...]

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