Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Happy Birthday, Goodtwin!

There's a praying mantis come inside - it was watching me from the ceiling as I moved about the kitchen. Silly thing, it'd never be able to eat all of me at once...

Bleurgh... Not a happy Lutra - the temperature reached 32 degrees today. <pout> The summer weather was sposed to have ended by now. (But no, there's no such thing as climate change.) Feels like the temperatures coming down a little now, hopefully it won't get too hot tonight.

I've started the AC side-story, and the next chapter for Elga. Couldn't do much though - aside from the normal holiday distraction of cubs underfoot I've had a headache for the past couple of days and it's just not shifting. Finding it hard to focus on anything at the moment. Eh, if it follows pattern it'll be gone by tomorrow morning. Partially self-inflicted, too much cheese and chocolate over the weekend : ) and spending 3 nights on my mum's couch probably didn't help.

On the up side, Niki and Soulsis stopped by for a visit this afternoon, Soulsis, as always, bearing gifts. <g> (Did I mention she gave me the cutest otter un-birthday card on Sunday?) A little, cloisonné fish dangly, a multi-coloured tea-light candle holder (very 70's, hee) and a rare (for Australia) Golden Arches of Doom happy meal toy - one of the Hello Kitty limited release toys, in this case a 2000 Dear Daniel Millenium Wedding plushie! <happy squeak> You know, if I'm not careful, I could end up being a Hello Kitty collector...

<bg> Go check out Sylverthorne's site. In her gallery (miscellaneous section) there's some Dystopia/AC fan-art! Most recently Thorne's drawn Angel (Kitty) as part of the 'Herding Cats' piece, and a portrait of Joules' Maria (Angelfish). Shoo! Go see! : )

Cool! Just found this word in the dictionary (Oxford Conscise 1964):
majuscule: Large (letter), whether capital or uncial.
I guess that would make it the opposite of miniscule, ne?

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