The video clip for Herbie Hancock's 'Rocket' was playing on the telly last night. Ok, I thought, it's been years since I've seen this, surely my robot phobia has improved enough I can watch these animated mannequins without twitching?
Nup. Lasted 10 seconds before the freakiness got to me and I had to walk away.
I have a deep, deep mistrust of robotics (probably because of Dr Who <g>) with reactions ranging from my skin-crawling to wanting to smash them into little pieces. It's not all robots though, the machines on Robot Wars don't bother me, but anything human-sized or bigger... <shudder> Car-manufacturing 'bots are particularly disturbing. They move so smoothly, so precisely they're just not natural. I see them and can't help thinking what would happen if their programming screwed up. ('You'd get a lot of wrecked cars!' quips the cub's technophile father, but he's just blind to the danger... : )
Finished the AC side-story, 'Revolution', it'll be coded and posted soon (thanks, Joules!). Heh, wrote a snippet of a future AC chapter too - a little scene that's been tickling me. : ) And the cubs go back to school tomorrow! <happy dance> Time to get back to work!
If I was Dr Doyle (from the Victorian crime-drama 'Murder Rooms') I'd give up on any idea of marriage... Every woman he's formed an attachment to has died and/or been a murderess. And as for that Dr Bell popping up all over the place to save the day.. What is he, psychic? Sheesh.
<g> I'm still enjoying the series though. (Not one word from you there, lurking in th' thicket!)
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