Wednesday, June 04, 2003

*blinkwince* The cubs have been playing with the settings - the drop-down menus are now bright yellow...

According to the greenhouse calculator on the Planet Slayer site I'd used up my allocated resources by the time I was 12 years old... *g*
This is a fun page, check it out...

Now about the M/K/Zo situation. Naturally I have fairly strong opinions about it but I'm not going to attempt to explain them until I've got the brainspace to do more than babble incoherently. That won't help my argument at all : )

I'm running away to mother's on the weekend as part of the 'get-the-cubs'-father-used-to-having-to-look-after-his-children-on-the-occasional-weekend-so-it-won't-be-such-a-shock-when-he-eventually-has-them-every-second-weekend' plan.
It's a little annoying I have to leave my house to do this, I can't just hang around and ignore them all (the cubs (and their father) will default to me being primary carer) but it's a start.
Oh, and it's not a 'rest' going up to mum's, if she has company she expects them to be company - so no uninterrupted time to write. Heh, she's worse than the cubs actually, I can growl at them to leave me alone... : )

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