Yesterday evening I could smell something electrical burning. Eventually tracked it down - a good few hours later - to the fan in the lounge-room. It was switched on but the blades weren't turning and the motor casing was hot. Ack! Hate to think what could've happened if I hadn't found it. <shudder> Hn, spose it's time it was replaced anyway, had it for more than 15 years.
The cubs have been playing International Rescue... they've taken their old foam mattress and folded it over in a corner to make the 'secret headquarters'. And of course they've remembered the walkie-talkie set they got for giftmas a couple of years ago and are hassling me for new batteries... : )
I made a pair of trousers last night - purple. Bit fiddly cos they had pockets, and the old trousers I cut down for the pattern were perhaps not the simplest to use, but the new pair fit and are comfy. Need to get some waist-band elastic now, and then I can get on making a couple more pairs. Should have them ready before I go to Adelaide on thursday.
Okies, 'Change', my next Dystopia chapter is finished and will probly be posted soon. <perusing the list of pending fics> What shall I tackle next? Maybe the next chapter of 'Elga'? Yeah...
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