Sunday, March 14, 2004

<wriggle> Isn't that the cutest pic of the tenshi? Thanks, onna!

Watched volume 2 of X today. Damn, this is a fine series! The characters are developing depth and complexity, I'm getting involved with them (which could be a problem seeing how I know most of them end up. Eh, won't be the first time I've cried watching an anime. : )

The cubs asked me today if (and I quote) it was possible to get stuck in someone's butt?
Er - I hedged - stuck how?
A frown, then: Like getting your head stuck.
An inward sigh of relief from me, I knew where this is coming from now, it was something revolting they'd seen on Cartoon Network, not something yaoi they've inadvertantly stumbled across. I then jokingly pointed out how big most heads were and we concluded that, no, it wasn't something that was likely to happen...

I've <gasp!> come to a decision. (Those who know me will realise what a momentous thing this is : )
I'm planning that, car or no car, the cubs and I will be in our new house by xmas this year. Unless something happens in the meantime I'll start seriously searching the rentals in October, that'll give me 6 months to get my act together. In the spirit of organisation I sat down and listed things I'd need for the new place. There's not an awful lot, really, I have most of the necessities already. Yes, I'd like a proper bed but it's not essential, likewise, I'd like a new fridge, and couch and computer, but the ones I've got will do for the time being. It takes some of the financial pressure off, knowing there isn't that much I need to get, and heh, I've got 6 months now to plan for the rest.

D'oh! The cubs have got a project due in tomorrow and we've done nothing. Ooops...

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