Monday, December 30, 2002

The parcel Joules sent me in October turned up on my doorstep this morning. : ) *bouncebouncebounce*
There was a copy of her 'Perfume' book (very interesting!) and enough sachets of hot chocolate to bathe in if I so wished (however, tempting as that thought is, I'm sensibly going to drink it instead, one cup at a time : )
There was also the Gravitation cd's Talon burnt for me *thankyouthankyouhugs!* and another cd full of yummy YYH dj's. Joules had already sent me a copy of the necessary software to watch Gravitation, so I happily loaded that up and managed to immerse myself in the first three eps before RL (ie: the cubs) called me back. It was sooooo sweet that damn me if the single solitary romantic bone in my body I'll admit to (it's the small, square one in my right ankle) wasn't playing up! Hiro is gorgeousgorgeousgorgeous but I'm afraid I had a bit of an uke moment over Yuri. [sorry, 'lestrel, it's that whole seme thing again *grin*]
But, heh, once again I find myself having some odd insights into a program I've never seen before because I've read mountains of fanfic first. Needless to say I'm looking forward to the rest of the series - haven't had a good look at K yet...

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