Monday, January 27, 2003

[smirks at exhausted, snoozing tenshi and shakes head] Tch', no stamina...

The ningen had a brainwave while reading the next bit of Safe from Harm, earlier today. She's very fond of her original character, Devon (so is tenshi. And Carol and Sue. And the Purgatory Geese. So am I - he's tasty...). She decided some time back he was too good a creation to just make an appearance in Purgatory, and wanted to use him somewhere else... Well, he fits easily into Lutra's Dystopia continuum (in the ningen's Darkside pages), so she's writing him into that worldframe, in an initial story called Runaway. It'll probably be finished tonight. If so, and if tenshi approves it, it'll be posted soon thereafter.

Heh, can't wait!

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