Friday, January 24, 2003

Sod this weather! Grrr.. hot, don't like hot. Makes us all cranky and snappy. And it's been so long since we've had any decent rain - even on cool days now you can feel the dryness everywhere. All of our grass has gone and a lot of the plants are on their way out. I get very cross with news readers etc when, during the cooler months and rain is forecast, they make comments about it 'ruining your weekend'. Idiots.

Ok, enough whining.

My follow up chapter to the Joint AC chapter is almost ready, so is Joules' I think, now I can concentrate on 'Safe' - planning on having that finished by the time the cubs go back to school (next wednesday? eep! Where have the holidays gone!).
And after years of avoiding Bubblegum Crisis 2040 cos of the fan-boys drooling unsubtly, I think I'm going to have to sit down and watch it with my new appreciation of anime. Is it me, or is there really not that many adultish animes centered around women?

Onna, I really liked the grape pic : ) Can I have a copy, please?

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