Monday, December 08, 2003

Kittenkong's total so far today is 2 skinks and 1 cicada. Yesterday it was 1 rat and 2 cicadas (well, 1 stupid cicada caught twice.) She's only had kibble to eat for the past couple of days and she's making her displeasure known... Fortunately she doesn't seem to be the sort of cat who uses bowel functions as a protest. : )

... I'm sure I had something else to say.

Cute fish, Talon : ) , very pretty.

... um...

Joules is thigh-deep in another Dikdik fic. <smirk> I've been giggling over it...
And we've fiddled with the AC timeline, got that all sorted now, can get on with the next couple of chapters.

Oh, my cub with the split lip had the stitches out a week ago and it's healing up nicely.

... tch, if I think of anything else I'll do another update.

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