Wednesday, December 24, 2003

So, I watched (heh, devoured) the first disc of Yami no Matsuei last night...
<big BIG eyes> This has got to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen!
It's got everything! Good bishies, bad bishies, it's beautifully drawn, there's subtext and magic!
D'oh! No wonder I'm loving it, it's magical girl anime only with boys. And such boys... Maybe it should be called Yummy no Matsuei? <smirk>
It says Volume 1 on the cover - does that mean there's more? My birthday's in March. (<blinks: smacks the fluffybunny fangirl back into her box> Ignore her, opportunistic little cow. : )
Thank you, Onna!

And thank you, Niki - who rang me yesterday to ask if I'd like to borrow her spare car for the next week. : ) <hugs>

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