Thursday, July 24, 2003

(nicked from Talon's blog - further ruminations on 'soda-can chicken':)

//[Me:] *confused* You shove the can into the chicken?
[Talon:] Yup...right up the backside. Yummy!!!

I'm still pondering the logic of using the whole can and frankly a little worried about the mindset of the person who thought it'd be a neat idea to shove a drink can up a chicken's bum...

It's been raining for 2 days now. I'm not complaining, gods know we need it (stage 2 water restrictions are about to be enforced - they should have been put in place a year ago, but that's just my opinion) but I do get annoyed at the muddy footprints through the house. Not the cubs, they take their shoes off when they come inside, it's the bloody cat. Little pawprints all over the place - over the floors, the kitchen bench (where she's not allowed to go, ahah! Sprung!), the cubs' homework they left out on the coffee table, my bed *grumble*.

Ack, I think I'm on the verge of collecting chicken tat the way I do fish tat. I don't understand it, I don't even like chickens!
No, I can resist this, I can. So there.

Next Dystopia is in the works, should be finished in a day or so..

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