Sunday, March 09, 2003

Happy birthday, Kai!
Hope it was a good one! : )

Heh, this is the results from the Star Trek Personality quiz:

Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ISFP (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Perceiver). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Bareil and The Doctor.

People like you are a complex blend of empathetic and realistic. You're kind, thoughtful and affectionate with those you know well, though strangers may find you reserved. When you're comfortable, you can be quite humble and gentle with others. When threatened, you tend to shut down. You adapt well to the needs of others without compromising yourself, achieving peace and usefulness with your environment. You're very down-to-earth.
You're faithful, but highly sensitive to criticism. You get your feelings hurt easily. You like to help others in practical ways and dislike confrontations.
If you're a strong introvert, you tend to be quiet and soft-spoken. If you're more extroverted, you may over-compensate for shyness.
Your primary goal in life is feeling peaceful and harmonious with the people and places that matter most to you. Your reward is to be accepted and loved just the way you are.
Good careers for your type include primary care physician, interior designer, massage therapist, chef, and alcohol and drug addiction counselor.

Interesting, eh? I got it from Wil Wheaton's blog... which is actually very entertaining. He's intelligent and articulate and he doesn't take himself all that seriously...

('Ambassador' could do with sequel', says Joules. 'You think so?' says I?
Heh, guess what I did today...?)

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