Well I only managed to get a page of 'Dancing' done but more importantly I know where this chapter is heading now (thanks to Joules for letting me bounce ideas : ) and I've been making notes as I go for the second draft.
Yesterday, Niki gave me a Richard Scarry book in german, and today I sat down with the cubs and we had a look at it. I studied german for a couple of years ages ago and it was encouraging that I could puzzle out some of the text from remembered words. Of course, the bright, clear illustrations didn't hurt either. <g> ('OK, the children are playing with marbles so I guess that word underneath the picture means... marbles.)
I think I got my first Scarry book when I was four and I remember spending hours poring over it by myself. Learnt a lot of vocab from that and my Dr Seuss illustrated Dictionary. I've still got them, tucked away in the garage, they're two of my childhood books I haven't passed on to the cubs. : )
Did you know that infants are protected in baboon society so it's not unusual for an adult baboon, who's feeling threatened, to grab a baby because they know they're not going to be attacked while they're holding it. Smart, eh? And there's tribes of baboons that live near the soda lakes in Africa that have learnt in the past few years to catch flamingos. And there's a species of grazing monkey in Africa that lives in huge 'herds' but because they spend so much of their time sitting down, their sexual characteristics (ie: dominance, virility, social standing etc) are displayed on their chest rather than their hindquarters. Oh, and the bigger the social groups monkey species congregate in the bigger their brains tend to be... I think there's something in that for all of us.
(... yes, I'm sure monkeys are delicious - though that would depend to a degree on what they eat... : )
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